easy diet for losing belly fat

What is the best and easy diet for losing belly fat

Nowadays people are more concerned about their belly fat as it is the most harmful type which leads to other health problems like high lipid profile, diabetes etc.

Losing belly fat is a bit difficult also but here are some ways by which you can effectively lose belly fat:

  1. Cut down refined carbs: Refined carbs like regular flour, semolina, vermicelli, noodles etc are directly linked with gain in the belly area. Try not to include healthy carbs like wheat flour, pulsed, quinoa, couscous, barley, bulgur etc.
  2. Eat more protein: Protein decreases hunger hormone and increases satiety that is the reason it helps in reducing body weight. It reduces hunger pangs also.
  3. Eat enough fiber: Fiber is a kind of carbohydrate that provides satiety without contributing calorie because it is not absorbed in the body that helps in reducing weight. It’s a must to include fiber in your diet via oat, oat bran, barley, lentils, peas, fruits and vegetables.
  4. Include Nuts & Seeds in your diet. Flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and sesame seeds are good sources of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are good choices in the nuts category, as these reduce appetite and make you feel full for a long duration. They both are very good snack options when a person has the tendency to binge.
  5. Include food which contain Probiotics like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh as they contain healthy bacteria that help in boosting up the metabolism, manage gut function and expel bloating.
  6. Include spinach and kale as it is rich in minerals like potassium which can help to get rid of bloating effects of sodium. Start your Personalized Diet Plans for Healthy Weight Loss during Covid. 
  7. Avoid food which contains trans fat like fried food, frozen pizza, margarine, baked food etc as it can increase belly flat.
  8. Avoid food high in simple sugar like soda, candy, beer, chocolate, fried food, alcohol are also high in calories which is stored as fat in our body.
  9. Limit the intake of salt to reduce water retention that can further lead to bloating in the stomach.
  10. Include avocados as they are good in reducing belly fat.
  11. Drink plenty of water to get rid of toxins from your body.
  12. Include musk melon as it has a diuretic property that fights water retention, and pineapples and papayas contain enzymes that help in  digestion and break down proteins that typically cause bloat.
  13. Include more chilly and hot pepper in the cooking as recent study says that because of capsaicin present in it, it can increase energy expenditure and fast oxidation.

One needs to work towards reducing belly fat as it is a direct link and invitation towards diseased condition.

Photo by Josh Millgate on Unsplash

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