What Is The Right Way For Intermittent Fasting?

What Is The Right Way For Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is an eating regimen routine that cycles between brief times of fasting, with either no nourishment or huge calorie decrease, and times of unhindered eating. It is often encouraged to change the body composition of a person through the loss of fat mass and weight and to improve certain markers of health that are typically related to sickness. Its underlying foundation is derived mainly from customary fasting, which is an all-inclusive fasting procedure utilized for the maintenance of well being.

The most common methods of intermittent fasting include fasting carried out on alternate days, for complete days with a specific frequency per week, or during a predetermined time frame.

  • The 16:8 Method: In this method, one should fast for 16 hours each day, for example by only eating between noon and 8 pm.
  • Eat-Stop-Eat: Do not eat anything from dinner one day, until dinner the next day (a 24 hour fast) once or twice a week.
  • The 5:2 Diet: The 5:2 eating routine methodology advocates no nourishment limitation five days of the week, cycled with a 400-500 calorie diet the other two days of the week.

This kind of diet would be hard for somebody who eats at regular intervals (e.g., snacks between meals). It would likewise not be proper for those with conditions that require sustenance at normal interims because of metabolic changes brought about by their prescription medications, for example, with diabetes. Delayed times of nourishment hardship or semi-starvation puts people in danger for gorging or binge eating when sustenance is reintroduced and may encourage unfortunate practices, for example, an expanded obsession with nourishment or overeating.

One should be wise enough to decide if intermittent fasting is for them or not. Before fasting, one must consider their predominant dosha, as hardcore fasting is not appropriate for Vata personalities as it can aggravate the Vata (air) in the body which can lead to flatulence. Fasting can be done by the Pitta people but staying hungry for longer can cause them acidity and hunger pangs as Pitta’s have a strong appetite. Kapha people are the most suitable people who can comfortably go for fasting. However always consult your Nutritionist/Dietitian before making any such drastic changes in your diet and lifestyle, but remember do not go for intermittent fasting if you have any health conditions.

Get the free Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan in Vedique Diet App, available for Android and iOS.

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