Why an Occasional Cheat Day Won’t Harm

A cheat day is a day that anyone can treat themselves after eating the nutritious food for so long. Nutritionists would not mind if a person is doing cheat meal occasionally. Cheat meal could help in weight loss goals. Cheat meals do not have a negative impact on fitness goals.

Cheat meal may also help in proper metabolism. Some changes are good for the body if practised rarely. When we talk about cheat meal, there are two areas: One is that person has eaten clean and healthy for the whole week and want to take it easy on one last day of the week. Second is when he/she is stick on the diet plan for a week and take a day off to satisfy the taste buds with his/her favourite foods.

Cheat meals boost the metabolism. The metabolism levels may increase levels of leptin. Your body has a mind of its own. Cheat meal temporarily boosts leptin and aids weight loss

Things To Keep In Mind Before You Cheat.

  • Plan Your Cheat Meals Better

    Suppose if cheat day falls on a Sunday, and the party is on Saturday, make sure that you reschedule your cheat day to Saturday and do a strict diet on Sunday.

  • Don’t Cheat When You Are Starving

    It is not the best idea to go on drinking to intoxication when you are starving.

  • Make Sure You Make Up For What You Eat

    Conveniently skipping your workout after all the indulging is a strict no-no. Make sure you burn up all the calories at the gym the very next day

  • Allow Yourself A Cheat Meal, Not A Cheat Day

    Eat anything that you like but don’t overeat and, definitely, don’t munch the entire day. If your lunch was a mix of pasta and pizza than dinner should be light.

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