
The First Wealth is Health

Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American Philosopher, very rightly wrote in the year 1860, that “The First Wealth is Health”. Health is that state in which a person feels absolute physical, mental, spiritual and social well being of himself always. 

We humans have really progressed and advanced with each passing decade by making medicines, vaccines and techniques that have helped us overcome all kinds of illnesses and manage to live a longer life than it ever was in the past centuries. 

Health is never valued till sickness arrives. While good health doesn’t ensure 100% happiness but practically there is no happiness without it either. Only with good health can there be hope and possibility. 

How is Health related to Wealth ?

In the modern world, most people trade their time & health to get money, thinking one day will come when they will get rich and then they will enjoy the fruits of their labour. But in this process the most important thing they ignore is their health. Now when the body & mind is repeatedly being overused without proper care then physical & mental illnesses start to arise one by one, consuming money to be spent on Doctors, medicines and hospitals. After so much exhaustion, how do we make sure to be happy in the present situation? Leaving aside what happens after 30-40 years. 

A healthy body is the only place where a healthy mind can reside. A person who is diseased puts his energy mostly to medicines, health check ups, doctor, lethargy, rest and prefers to be at home than using the crucial time to do what is required. Leave aside expenditures and where energy is focused, how will this person be productive to himself, his job, his family when only all he can think of is his ailments. 

Only a person who takes care of his health can contribute towards his life goals, achieve them and remain happy throughout, rather than keeping a timeline to become happy & healthy. This kind of person can only contribute largely to the nation as well. 

Time is the most crucial factor in today’s time and poor health robs you of it. 

What can a person do to achieve good Health ?

So, after knowing about the importance of health, do you want to become wealthy ? Here are few simple ways by which anyone can achieve good health :-

  1. Always Eat Healthy. Eat what your body requires and not the trending diets

Eating a wholesome diet which contains all essential nutrients, followed by what is available in the season, along with what your body needs makes up what we call as healthy eating. A diet like this helps to boost your immunity, helps maintain ideal body weight, provides you with good energy to carry out all your tasks and is essential for overall health. 

  1. Lose the extra weight from your body

Losing weight is applicable only for people who are obese and overweight. Weight loss simply means there is more health, more energy, and chances of keeping aside any diseases. But always make sure you lose weight in a healthy way. 

  1. Sleep enough so that you wake up rejuvenated 

A good sleep of 6-7 hours ensures that your body is rejuvenated and energetic to carry out tasks of the day. It enables the body’s repair so that you are ready each day. 

  1. No Substance abuse

Alcohol, smoking, tobacco, tea, coffee, cold drinks, energy drinks etc are best to stay away from as these just deteriorate the body and leave you getting addicted to them. Once a person leaves these addictions then they only reduce the chances of getting many illnesses and leading a healthy life. 

  1. Involve yourself in good workouts

A moderate but regular exercise of 30-45 minutes is very crucial for good health and it also prevents you from chances of getting Diabetes, Cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases etc. 

  1. Put yourself as a priority 

This habit comes above all the described points as nothing will happen till the time you give yourself the priority. The root cause of all problems in our life is we give priorities to work, job, relationships, having fun which leads to stress & diseases only. So prioritize yourself and what your body & mind needs. 

  1. Make plain water your default drink

For a healthy mind and body always rely on plain fresh water rather than buying expensive and not so healthy drinks which load your system of sugar and preservatives. 

  1. Make Yoga & Meditation an essential part of your Life

Our daily life wears and tears our mind so much that we are prone to getting defocused from our goal and become prey to mental illnesses. Yoga & meditation not only relaxes your mind and body but also helps you to focus on what you actually need to do for yourself and others.

Remember that Change Takes Time
Make Simple Daily Changes

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