9 Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds, also known as Salvia hispanica, are among the most popular superfoods gifted by nature to mankind. They are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, fibre, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and provide around 485 calories, 42 gm carbohydrates and 31 gm fat. Sounds healthy?

Let’s have a look at its benefits and know about this amazing superfood in detail.

  1. Promotes Weight Loss

    Chia seeds have a high content of fibre and protein which provide the feeling of satiety by keeping the stomach full for a longer period of time. Moreover, these seeds expand in the stomach by absorbing water and help in suppressing the appetite, thereby leading to weight loss.

  2. Relieves Constipation

    The high fibre content of chia seeds helps in adding bulk to the stool and preventing constipation. It also helps in improving digestion.

  3. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels

    The omega 3 fatty acids present in chia seeds play an important role in maintaining blood sugar levels. Moreover, they are coated with a gel-like material which helps in preventing a sudden rise in the blood sugar levels of diabetics.

  4. Helps Prevent Heart Disease

    The omega 3 fatty acids present in chia seeds help in keeping the blood cholesterol levels in check. They are also responsible for lowering the triglycerides and keeping the heart healthy and therefore, should be a part of regular diet.

  5. Alleviates Depression

    Chia seeds are considered to be a powerful mood enhancer and play an important role in combating depression. The credit goes to the omega 3 fatty acids present in them.

  6. Promotes Bone and Teeth Health

    Since chia seeds are rich in calcium, they help in improving bone health. Phosphorus and magnesium present also add to the same. The presence of antioxidants helps in protecting the teeth from damage.

  7. Improves Skin Health

    Chia seeds are found to improve circulation and prevent skin inflammation and dryness, thereby protecting the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays and preventing wrinkles and skin sagging.

  8. Gluten Free

    The seeds are gluten-free and can easily be consumed by people suffering from celiac disease or any other gluten allergy. It has been observed that people who have celiac disease tend to have a lower consumption of fibre and calcium, therefore, regular consumption of chia seeds is effective in keeping the levels in normal range.

  9. Promotes Sound Sleep

    Tryptophan is responsible for the production of serotonin and melatonin hormones which are responsible for sleep. Tryptophan is found in abundance in chia seeds and therefore, regular consumption helps in relaxing the mind and promoting sound sleep.

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Comments (12)

  1. Punya

    I’ve tried several times with water but difficult to chew, how do I eat exactly?

    • Dr Shikha's NutriHealth

      Hi! Chia seeds can be included in:
      a) smoothies and shakes (soak chia seeds in water then add)
      b) as cereal for breakfast (soak chia seeds in milk overnight then add chopped fruits and nuts and serve in breakfast)
      c) can put over stir fry vegetables
      d) can put over salads
      e) can be baked in bread
      f) can be added to pancakes and breakfast bars
      g) can be mixed in curd/yoghurt

  2. Sakshi Maheshwari

    How to take chia seeds for weight loss

    • Dr Shikha's NutriHealth

      For weight loss, add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in 1 big glass of water, leave overnight and consume it early morning empty stomach. You can use lemon for flavour.

  3. Prasoon Gupta

    Is Chia seeds ahvailable in India… Is it indian plant..?

  4. Mala vishwanathan

    How and when to take these seeds and how much quantity for weight loss?

    • Dr Shikha's NutriHealth

      For weight loss, add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in 1 big glass of water, leave overnight and consume it early morning empty stomach. You can use lemon for flavour.

  5. Sandhya jain

    How should we take chia seeds ?

    • Dr Shikha's NutriHealth

      Hi! Chia seeds can be included in:
      a) smoothies and shakes (soak chia seeds in water then add)
      b) as cereal for breakfast (soak chia seeds in milk overnight then add chopped fruits and nuts and serve in breakfast)
      c) can put over stir fry vegetables
      d) can put over salads
      e) can be baked in bread
      f) can be added to pancakes and breakfast bars
      g) can be mixed in curd/yoghurt

  6. Savina

    Is it necessary to chew chia seeds

    • Dr Shikha's NutriHealth

      No Chia seeds can be taken in smoothies and shakes by soaking them overnight. You don’t have to chew them always.

  7. Somjita

    How many times in a week should we consume them . What are the side effects of eating too many chia seeds ? Is it easily digestible? Can people with pancreatitis have them ?

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