Are you ignoring these signs of Thyroid dysfunction?

Hypothyroidism impacts almost every organ in our body, including the heart, brain, muscles, and skin. It can create various complications in the body like infertility, obesity, joint pain, mental health issues, heart diseases, and many other issues.

To manage hypothyroidism balanced Ayurvedic Diet and lifestyle changes should be considered. Take proper sleep and rest, stress management, maintain good eating habits, do yoga, exercise, or any other physical activity. Keep an eye on your weight and avoid starving yourself to lose weight.

Many Indians suffer from thyroid issues but are still unaware of them. To become aware and pay attention to your health, read the list of common signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction below.


Weight changes

Unexpected weight fluctuations may indicate thyroid problems. Normal thyroid hormone production helps in the body’s ability to burn fat and supports the liver’s and pancreas’ ability to digest stored calories for use as energy. Additionally, as the muscles need energy, these hormones support them throughout the body.

When your thyroid function is compromised or your thyroid hormone production is reduced, all of these processes may be disturbed. In addition to the symptoms of low energy, the body retains calories, storing them as fat, which is especially difficult to burn off and metabolize.

While treatment can help in some weight loss, significant weight loss requires careful planning, dedication, commitment to a healthy diet, regular exercise, and quality sleep.


Muscle and joint pain

Hypothyroidism can sometimes make joint and muscle issues worse for some women. Weakness in the arms or a propensity for carpal tunnel syndrome in the hands or arms is common symptoms faced by many women.

Hypothyroidism may specifically cause Muscle pains, tightness, and stiffness, especially in the shoulders and hips; joint pain and stiffness; swelling in the hands and feet, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

However, Ayurvedic Diet that includes a balanced diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes can often help reduce pain. You can join the Vedique Diet programme by Dr. Shikha Sharma to lessen the pain and manage thyroid levels.


Hair and Skin changes 

Even though the thyroid gland is located deep in our neck, symptoms of thyroid disease can be spotted on hair and skin. This is because many thyroid illness symptoms manifest on the skin, hair, and nails.

Some of them may include-

Hair frequently becomes brittle, dry, and coarse, while breaking off and falling out easily. Skin can become coarse, dry, thick, and scaly, swollen face, especially on your eyelids, lips, and tongue. Protruding eyes, Thinning (or missing) eyebrows on the outer edge, Thinning hair or balding patches, Thick, dry, and brittle with visible ridges of nails, nails peel, crumble, or break easily.


Menstrual irregularities and fertility problems

Thyroid conditions can have an impact on your menstrual cycles. Symptoms may range from heavy and frequent periods to irregular and absent cycles. These symptoms are due to how thyroid hormones impact reproductive hormone production. As such, menstrual irregularities could also affect fertility and pregnancy.

You can balance the hormones with the help of an appropriate diet, prescription herbs, kitchen herbs, and lifestyle changes like exercise, yoga, proper sleep schedule, eating in portions, etc. An Ayurvedic Diet is best when it comes to managing and balancing hormones naturally. 

Bowel problems

In addition to trouble swallowing, an overactive thyroid can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, lactose intolerance, liver issues, bacterial infections, and weight loss. The body’s functions can slow down when there is too little thyroid hormone present, or when there is hypothyroidism.


The body’s metabolism slows down in those with hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid. Lethargy and weariness are only two of the many symptoms that might result from this. The body’s metabolism quickens in those with hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid.

Depression and Anxiety

Your mood may be impacted by thyroid disease, with anxiety or depression being the main effects. The mood changes are typically more severe the more severe the thyroid condition. Unusual anxiousness may be a symptom of hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid.

Apart from these, other signs and symptoms of thyroid can be Neck Discomfort or enlargement (swelling on the neck or feeling of pain), Cholesterol issues etc.

The Vedique Diet programme by Dr. Shikha Sharma can help you to manage Hypothyroidism through proper diet and nutrition. With the help of a targeted diet, nutrition, appropriate exercise, and proper guidance, Hypothyroidism is manageable, and you can lead a regular life even if you have it.

Start your journey with us today and join a family of 44000 health seekers from all around the world.

Message us now and get started on the road to better health and a healthier lifestyle.


To join the Vedique Diet programme you can:

Click here Vedique Diet program 

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7 Foods That Can Help Manage Hypothyroidism

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